Transfer Students
Arizona Interscholastic Association set in place guidelines and bylaws in regards to transfer students. Below is a section of Article 15.10 of the Student Eligibility section outlining the Transfer Rule as it applies to Arizona and its governing schools.
Whether you are within Florence Unified School District, outside of district or out of state you need to fill out the 550 Form before you are even considered eligible to tryout for our sport. The link below will take you directly to the 550 Form. Please fill out FIRST before contacting coaches or filling out other forms on our website.
15.10 TRANSFER RULE – After enrolling and attending one or more classes, a student changing enrollment from one school (sending school) to another school (receiving school) shall be considered a transferring student. For information and record keeping purposes, the receiving and sending school shall reasonably cooperate and complete Form 550.
15.10.1 In State Transfers – a student shall be ineligible for all contests at all levels until after the first 50% of the maximum allowable Power Rankings regular season contests in those sports in which the student participated during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the season in which the student is seeking eligibility. Participation is defined as a student participating in the sport during a regular season game as is specified by the AIA standardized calendar. For individual sports, the student will be ineligible for 50% of allowable competitions for that school on the AIA calendar. If a transfer occurs during the season in which the student is participating, the student is ineligible for one year from the date of first attendance at the receiving school in that sport. In case of any subsequent transfer by the student, the student is ineligible for one year from the date of first attendance at the receiving school. A transfer from an AIA member school (sending school) to a non-AIA member school that does not offer any interscholastic athletics, will not be considered a transfer. A subsequent transfer from that non-AIA member school back to the sending school will also not be considered a transfer under 15.10. A subsequent transfer from that non-AIA member school to an AIA member school other than the sending school will result in the appropriate transfer rule period of ineligibility.
15.10.2 (Form 550) - The sending school administration shall provide to the receiving school, via Form 550, the verification of activities in which a transferring student has participated. The receiving and sending school(s) shall reasonably cooperate and complete Form 550. Upon receipt by the receiving school of a completed Form 550, assuming all other eligibility requirements are met, the student becomes eligible for all interscholastic activities except for those activities in which the student has competed during the current or previous school year.
“Statement of Philosophy / Rationale for Transfer Rule”
Promotes the educational philosophy that participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, which should not take a dominant role over academics;
Recognizes the overwhelming administrative difficulty in attempting to determine the motives or reasons for each and every transfer, and, therefore, adopts a uniform objective standard to be followed by all member schools.
Helps to protect opportunities for participation by students who attend school in the attendance zone of their domicile;
Helps to protect and promote continuity of school programs;
Serves as a deterrent to students running from or avoiding an athletic discipline that has been or may be imposed;
Except as otherwise stated, this rule is intended to and shall encompass any and all transfer situations and shall apply to any and all member schools, be they public, private or parochial.
NOTE: The fact that a student may or may not have paid tuition has no bearing on the applicability of transfer rules.
15.10.3 Transfer Rule Exceptions – A student who transfers from one high school (the “sending school”) to another high school (the “receiving school”), where there has been no change in domicile of parents or legal guardian, shall be eligible to participate in interscholastic activities at the receiving school when one of the following eligibility requirements has been fulfilled: Ethnic Balance – In case of a transfer within a school district by a student under an approved compliance plan for racial balance (ethnic transfer), the period of ineligibility subsequent to such a transfer, if any, shall be determined by the district.
15.10.4 School Closures / Drop of AIA Membership – Upon closure or drop of AIA membership by the governing board, students may transfer at the beginning of the following semester to another school in the district as approved by the governing board, to the public high school of another district closet to the domicile of the parents, or to a private, parochial or BIE school and be automatically granted athletic eligibility.
15.10.5 When Sport or Nonathletic Activity Is Dropped by an AIA Member School – When a sport or nonathletic activity is dropped by a governing board, a student may transfer to a school that offers that sport or nonathletic activity and shall be eligible only in the sport or nonathletic activity that has been dropped at the school from which the student transferred. Said eligibility will be granted when the student enrolls in one of the following schools: A private or parochial high school in the county in which the parents are domiciled. The public high school within the same school district closest to the domicile of the parents. In the event the district does not offer the sport or nonathletic activity in any of its schools, the student may transfer to the public high school of another district closest to the domicile of the parents. The transfer rule shall apply to other interscholastic sports and activities in which the student participates.
15.10.6 Limited Eligibility After Transfer Hardship Appeal (Form 15.10) - A student aggrieved by a decision of his/her school administration relating to transfer may appeal under Article 15, Section 14 Hardship.
15.10.7 Disciplinary Removal - A student suspended, expelled or otherwise removed for disciplinary reasons, including revocation or non-renewal of open enrollment, from one high school shall be ineligible for interscholastic competition in any other high school for one year or until all conditions for re-admittance have been fulfilled at the high school where the suspension, expulsion, open enrollment revocation or removal for disciplinary reasons occurred, whichever occurs first.